As your Lifestyle Coach/Teacher- I promise to devote my full attention to you. Giving my whole-self, undivided, undistracted, consciously, right here, and right now. To connect and expand into the light of awareness and share this experience.
I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, which is a modality that helps people to correct energetic imbalances. The Emotion Code is a healing technique to help us pinpoint and then release emotions that have become trapped. Our emotional baggage often consists of discrete energies that became trapped during emotional events we have experienced. Trapped emotions are made of energy which influences the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and disease. Releasing these trapped emotions promotes healing. Physical and emotional difficulties will often disappear or seem less frequent.
This sleep consultation will provide clients with skills and resources to develop strategies for achieving and implementing a healthy lifestyle, which in turn leads to improved sleep. We will focus on how sleep affects every aspect of our lives and how our lives affect our sleep. We will explore all areas that affect your sleep environment. We will extensively examine how our nutrition, environment, energy, emotions, and stress contribute to sleep deprivation.
Incorporate tools to evaluate what key areas are out of balance and create an action plan to help you achieve Homeostasis.
Are there questions you’ve been asking that you need answered? Is there interference in your energy field that is causing an imbalance? Lisa will show you how to recalibrate in all areas of living, for instance, your inner and outer environment, nutritional needs, restorative sleep, emotional energy patterns and belief systems. By having a conversation on an energy level, you can get the answers to questions regarding your well-being. Lisa will share her training, teaching and her intuitive gifts to guide you to a better understanding of your vibrational healing journey. Incorporate fundamental principles
that infuses several energy methodologies that allow clients to explore their true-self and purpose.
My experience includes educating students at the University of Richmond, where I taught Sleep & College for 14 years. The students learned how to negate stress and maintain balance in the 5 major areas of living: sleep, nutrition, emotions, energy and environment. I have been in the wellness Industry for 20 years. My speaking engagements include the East Coast Healthy Lifestyles Expo, Womens Annual Conference, Virginia Commonwealth University and Longwood University. Are there questions about your family's well-being that you desire answers to? For example, would you like to know which foods your body needs in order to achieve homeostasis? Is your sleep restorative and giving you a solid foundation for repairing oxidative stress and fighting disease? What emotions are blocking or interfering with healing and would you like to know how to release them? What environmental toxicities or imbalances are impeding your natural process of creating wellness? Hire Lisa Healthy to translate your energy wellness!
I will be offering this program "The View of Wellness" which is a personal investment of mine created in the spirit of providing wellness educational services to the community. My hope is to create awareness of Spirit-Mind-Body wellbeing and introduce this to workplaces, schools and individuals that would like assistance on their wellness journey. Learn from a University Wellness faculty Instructor at your own pace on your schedule. Recalibrate your wellbeing with a comprehensive solution on Improving the major areas of living, emotional, nutritional, and sleep work/school environments. Schedule a free demo.
What is Energy? We cannot see it, smell it, hear, taste or touch it, so how can we self-regulate it and use it to heal? My body finds the resonance it needs through frequency or vibration. It defrags my body’s energy patterns, cleans them up, reboots and recalibrates our vital energy system. How can we maintain a high energy vibration, optimize energy that is unbounded, fresh, minimize anxiety and stress, so that our life force is always renewable?
Join this Transformation of Healing as we travel on a provocative journey in search of sustainable Human Energy! In this workshop, will learn how to attain balance in the 5 key areas of living: emotions, environment, energy, sleep, and nutrition. What techniques and resources are available to help us to find our tipping point to well-being and move in the direction of healing? Discover how to overcome our fears, incorporate mindfulness, powerful motivational tips, build confidence and cultivate your inner knowing.
Transcendence is the emergence and validation of our knowledge of being. Now is the time to get sober, stop observing life with our noses pressed against the glass and just reacting to the conditions of life.
Our advanced nervous system depends on balancing our emotions, a stress less environment in order to create remission, which means to remember your mission! Heal the inner experience so you can live in the outer world.
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